
This section is about medicine, healthcare and my personal experiences as a doctor.

Artificial Intelligence in Medicine, how will it impact?

artificial intelligence, brain, think

We have been hearing a lot in recent times about the topic of artificial intelligence and how it is going to revolutionize the world. The human race has gone through many milestones like the discovery of fire, the invention of the wheel, the industrial revolution, and the next turning point to be Artificial intelligence. AI …

Artificial Intelligence in Medicine, how will it impact? Read More »

What social skills that every medical student must know, but are not taught in medical college?

We all know social skills are particularly important in the medical profession where emotions are extremely high, we must deal with patients and their relative’s emotions in highly volatile situations. Among students we notice a significant variance of social aptitude, so I personally feel there should be a curriculum for imparting social skills among the …

What social skills that every medical student must know, but are not taught in medical college? Read More »
