DOCTORS DIARY – Interaction with an intermediate student

This post is from my mother (MD gynaecologist) interaction with an intermediate student.

 Alekya is a very bright student who was delivered by me. She was  interested in medicine, used to ask me many questions about the medical field. She used to admire my kids, who are doctors. 

 A few days back, she asked me what is the next best for Bipc students as I don’t want to study medicine.  I said you are a very bright student, and you surely will get a medical seat, do not worry.No aunty, I am following many doctors on social media. I came to know the pathetic situation of doctors.

In Gandhi hospital Hyderabad, they beat the doctor, when a corona patient died. And in Chennai, they did not allow Dr. Simons cremation who served them for more than 40yrs. The most hurtful thing is Police filed a case of attempted murder, just because the doctor opened his hospital in corona times.  When an anaesthesia doctor asked for N 95 masks, he was labelled mentally unstable and alcoholic.

Aunty, now I am 19 yrs old, and I will be 34 years old by the time I complete super-specialty and start earning. If I don’t get MBBS, MD or DM, I have to buy those or spend more years preparing. That will cost at least twelve crores or three more years. If I have that 12 crores and 14 years’ time in my hand,  With my intelligence, I can earn it in 10 yrs, what you would have earned in 30 yrs. 

I was shocked and speechless. I finally said, In the medical field, money aside, we get respect, name, and fame. She laughed and said, aunty, with one crore, I will open a charity trust. Within one year, I will get the name and reputation.

The sentence left me speechless and worried.  

If all the merit students are not opting for medicine, What would be the future of the medical field? Social media, print, electronic, mainstream media are portraying doctors as bloodsuckers. They are magnifying every unfortunate incident as a fault of the doctor. These things are influencing the intelligent young generation not to opt for medicine. 

My take on this

  1. Money is a terrible motivator in the medical field. If you are in it for the money, you will not be happy.
  2. There is a higher calling in the medical field beyond material wealth. The calling makes your time, hardship, and suffering worthwhile.
  3. We are getting used to quick gratification these days, and that will not be available in medicine. You have to grow the tree for at least 14 years to pluck the fruit.
  4. Even after you become a consultant, things are not secure; you have to keep working hard. The fruit will not magically fall into your hands. You have to work for it and earn it.
  5. Enjoy the process than looking at the finish; the journey is the reward. 

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