Hypothetical Conversation in OPD with a COVIDIOT PATIENT

Patient: I am having sore throat and fever for five days

Doctor: *after asking detailed history* you might be having COVID, you should get tested with a nasal swab.

P: but you guys are issuing false reports that people are positive even when they are not

D: ok, then get a CT chest done; you can see for yourself if you are infected.

P: Doctors have connections with Labs and get a cut for the CT; I will not get it done.

D: you can get admitted to the isolation ward. We can observe you if you are worsening.

P: you will be charging me lakhs per day and minting money; you should be ashamed of yourself

D: The hospital is not mine; I do not earn anything from admitting you; I have a fixed salary. Ok, I will advise you regarding home care for COVID.

P: can you guarantee that I will be safe at my home

D: I cannot even confirm what disease you are having without tests. So, I cannot guarantee your safety.

P: all doctors are like this only; you want all our money but will not give any advice.

D: here, take your consultation fees. I advise you to go to a Government hospital where everything is free.

P: Why don’t private hospitals see for free don’t you Doctors have moral responsibility during a pandemic

D: Sorry, from today I am closing all my consultations as I have at-risk family members at home.

P: dont you know how many families are affected by COVID, you only care about your family.

D: *takes a gun, shoots himself and dies*

P: *talking to corpse* How can you be so selfish; the whole world is suffering, at least you could die treating people

Exits, spitting the pan on-road and coughing without a mask, happily infect his family and neighbors.


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