Mary Abbajay – Managing Up How to Move Up Win at Work and Succeed with Any Type of Boss. Weekly book suggestion 24 -1-2021

An excellent book on managing workplace relations and bosses. All of us at one point of time have faced difficult situations involving higher ups and had no clue on how to handle the situation. We often end up losing confidence, motivation, and self-respect. We come home every day demoralized, exhausted, and even depressed. This book offers straight forward advises on how to deal with the situations involving various kinds of people.

In Medical profession the hierarchy is extremely strict and most of the times we end up being at the bottom of the medical food chain. Be it during studies or even during workplace. This book is for those people working in toxic environments. 

Managing Up isn’t about “waiting for the unicorn, it’s about succeeding with the work environment you actually have.”

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